Ні війні / Нет войне / No to War
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- "Ні війні / Нет войне / No to War" is a solidarity NFT auction. Curated by Uniwave, this first auction unites artists across the world against the invasion of a sovereign and democratic country, Ukraine, the shelling of civilian targets and their tragic humanitarian consequences. At the request of Ukrainian artists and friends, joined by Russian, European and World artists, we say NO TO WAR. This auction aims to raise funds for artists and refugees alike. 100% of proceeds are donated to artists in Ukraine and humanitarian relief agencies. This auction is ongoing, i.e more NFTs will be added on a daily basis. If you wish to join the auction as an artist, please contact us: contact@uniwave.app Special thanks to Brusk for the banner of the auction. If you want to contribute by a donation, please send ETH or BNB to our wallet address: 0xC4F23cBAC22dEe1D91b2ea494366bA815613f7bF #standwithukraine #solidaritywithukraine
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Curated by@uniwave